Price can't fall?

Yes, it can, but never below 1 DAI. And even in the unlikely case it happens, if you stake and chill, you will still make money because the protocol will use its treasury to keep paying you during the time stablished in the runway.

How to buy?

You can purchase it at market price or get it at a discount rate with bonds

What are bonds (1,1)?

Bonding adds value into the Paradox DAO treasury. As more value enters the treasury via bonding sales:

  1. Paradox can mint more PRDX tokens
  2. Staking APY increases
  3. Treasury value is increasingly protected

Why bonds give you PRDX with discount?

Paradox buy liquidity in exchange of PRDX, by owning its liquidity solves the problem of liquidity migration and protects the value of the reserve-backing PRDX tokens and keeps the protocol liquid.

What is staking (3,3)?

Once you purchase your PRDX you can stake them to receive more PRDX. If everyone stake we create more value to the PRDX token.

So (3,3) is very important here?

Yes, it is the core of the protocol, highly encourage you to stick to it and stake.

So market cap is important?

PRDX price is (mostly) pointless, just look at market cap & your percent of market cap. If you stake you'll receive more PRDX, and your percent of the supply will always be the same.

So can I buy and chill?

As long as you buy and stake it, you are safe during the runway time.

What is runway?